Help me collect stories about Ryan


Help me collect stories about Ryan.

During my senior year of college, I designed a book featuring a compilation of interviews from young graffiti artists from around the world — Ryan included. In it, he answers my questions about how he got into graffiti, why he chose the name Intrepid, and divulged some juicy details from a time he got caught. Ryan also helped me pick out a collection of really cool photos of his art to use in multiple spreads throughout the book.

I was recently inspired to share his interview with more people but, because my professor at the time required that I not only design this book, but also manually print, trim, and bind all of the pages together, there is only one copy that exists today (and I am very precious with it 😅).

My initial idea was to find a way to make a handful of copies for friends, family, anyone who wanted one but I realized there’s a missing piece to the story — you. One of my favorite ways to remember Ryan is through hearing about memories shared by his friends. I would love for you to contribute your perspective of him.

If you have a story, memory, or photo of Ryan (graffiti-related or not) that you want to share and have included in the reprint of this book, click the link below to access my google form. There’s also an option to share your story with just me, if you want it to stay private. 🙂